Buying inherited property in Vallejo, CA (Solano County)

Serene Homes and Solutions helped the family and purchased the inherited house on mutually agreed price by giving brothers cash for keys. We cash closed on their timeline. We also took care of loads of trash, clutter, and furniture for cleaning and ease the process for sellers.

5 Things To Know About Your San Jose Probate Property

Dealing with probate isn’t fun for anyone. If you have a probate property in San Jose, here are a few things you should know! If you are dealing with the probate process in San Jose, the process can feel confusing, overwhelming, and stressful. Many people don’t know what to expect or how things will be … Continued

What To Expect During The Probate Process In San Jose

The probate process can be lengthy and confusing. In our latest post, learn more about what to expect when dealing with probate in San Jose. If you are dealing with a probate property, you likely have a lot on your plate. Dealing with a loss of a loved one is hard enough, but settling their … Continued